- Health
- The company provides free medical care at company owned clinics for all employees and their immediate dependents on the estates. In towns, employees are on medical aid, with the company paying 100% of the subscriptions.
- Clinics are manned by qualified nursing staff, and a visiting doctor, paid for by the company.
- Clinics also cater for the surrounding communities who pay a nominal fee for both consultation and drugs.
- Education
- The company has 4 primary and 4 secondary schools on the estates to cater for employees’ children and those from the surrounding communities.
- The children pay government regulated fees.
- The company assists in the maintenance of the schools and pays groundsmen, electricity and water.
- Out-growers
- A full- time manager and two overseers are employed to provide technical assistance to out-growers.
- Infrastructure
- Where possible, the company assists with the maintenance of community roads, bridges and dip tanks and the provision of water to communities (e.g. New Year’s Gift provides portable water and water for animals for Buffelsdrift community).
- Employee Welfare
- The company provides sporting facilities for employees and their dependents – grounds, uniforms, balls and transport etc.
- Employees are provided free food hampers every month.
- A US$ denominated allowance is paid to employees above the NEC regulated wages.
- Recreation halls on all estates are equipped with televisions with DSTV subscription.
- Other Community programs
- Tanganda sponsors the Stella Netball tournament in association with the National Association of Secondary School Heads (NASSH).
- Sponsorship of the annual Tanganda 21km half marathon and associated fun runs.
- The company sponsors the national football team with water.
- Ongoing support of Zororai Old Peoples Home, Eastern Highlands Trust (Strictland) and Nzeve Children’s Home in Mutare.
- Regular donations are made to various government departments
- Tanganda has entered into joint ventures with community members with idle land where the company sponsors everything else for a share of the profits.