About Tanganda Tea Company

Formed in 1924, Tanganda Tea Company has become the largest producer, packer and distributor of tea in Zimbabwe. The company has also developed the largest hectarage of both macadamia nuts and avocados to become the single largest producer of both crops in Zimbabwe. The company is also the largest coffee producer and bottles spring water. Tanganda is divided into two operating divisions, the Agricultural and Beverage divisions.

The Agricultural division is based in Chipinge and consists of five estates under tea, coffee, avocados and macadamia nuts.  The tinga mira spring water bottling plant is also located on one of the estates.This division has an active out-grower scheme that supports tea farmers around Chipinge. The out grower scheme covers more than 1000 hectares of land.

The Beverage division focuses on creating and developing brands mainly from, but not limited to, the company’s primary agricultural products. The division consists of a blending and packaging plant in Mutare with sales and distribution depots in Harare, Bulawayo, Gweru and Mutare. The division’s market is mainly local but has a growing export market into the region. New consumer product and services development is a key focus for the division.

Both the Agricultural and Beverage division get administration and financial support services from the Corporate and Administration division.

Company Timeline


Ward Brothers bought New Years Gift Estate for £486.
The Ward Brothers begin farming on New Years Gift Estate
Florence Phillips brought a small box of tea seed from Assam, India to NYG.

In July of that Year, Ward & Phillips Partnership was formed.

Grafton Phillips planted 9 acres of tea under irrigation. This was the first time tea had ever been grown under irrigation anywhere in the world.

Rhodesia Tea Company formed.

Purchase of Ratelshoek and its annex for £3000.

Production of first commercial crop of tea at NYG. The name ‘Tanganda’, after the River, was used on and off.

Syndicate formed to grow, roast and sell coffee at Ratelshoek, under the name Tanganda.

First Factory erected at NYG

Rhodesia Tea Co Ltd amalgamated under Ward and Phillips Ltd and eventually changed the name to Rhodesia Tea and Coffee Estates Ltd.
Thomas Miekles Trust acquires a controlling interest (53%) in RT&C

A working relationship that lasts to this very day. 

Acquisition of Jersey and Zona Estates.

Farming began on both estates

Official name changed to Rhodesia Tea Estates.
Rhodesia Tea Estates becomes a public company

Initial listing on the Rhodesia Stock Exchange 

RTE Acquires controlling interest in Cerebos Foods. Company HQ is moved to Salisbury (Harare)
Construction of dams at Jersey and Zona. Outgrowers encouraged to plant tea, for sale to factories.

Official name becomes Tanganda Tea Company Limited

Expansion programme, purchased Avontuur.

Purchased Helvetia

Purchased Petrunella Farms

First annual production of over 10000 tonnes of made tea.
Tingamira Tea factory opened (Export Processing Zone)
First factory averaged over 80% primary grades, and 4250 tonnes

Largest factory in Africa, at the time, Ratelshoek, with total production over 11000 tonnes.

Tingamira spring water plant starts producing tinga-mira spring water
Delisting from the ZSE

Initial merger of Kingdom Financial Holdings, Meikles Africa Limited, Tanganda and Cotton Printers 

De-merger of Meikles from Kingdom and Cotton Printers
Tanganda de-merges from Meikles

Tanganda relists on the ZSE